Law Office of Laura L.
Lafayette Divorce And Family Law Attorney

Reliable, Results-Driven Family Law Representation

My goal is to provide efficient and effective family law solutions to achieve the best possible outcome in every case.

Law Office of Laura L.Davenport
Lafayette Divorce And Family Law Attorney

Reliable, Results-Driven Family Law Representation

Efficient, Effective Solutions For Complicated Family Law Matters

Family law issues are emotional battles. Making decisions out of anger, frustration or fear can jeopardize your family’s future and your financial future. A skilled and knowledgeable attorney can protect your best interests and prevent you from making irreparable mistakes.

As a southern Louisiana divorce lawyer, my mission is providing clients with efficient and effective legal solutions that serve their best interests and provide optimal outcomes for their families. Clients appreciate my honest, straightforward approach, and I work to help them maintain as much control over their case as possible. I am upfront about the benefits, disadvantages, costs and length of proceedings in every case.

I can educate you on the time and cost-saving benefits of settling your divorce through mediation, but I am also prepared to carry a case through litigation when necessary. As a Licensed Addiction Counselor in Louisiana, I offer a unique level of experience and understanding beneficial to cases involving parties with substance abuse and addiction issues.

To discuss your options with a dedicated Lafayette divorce and family law attorney, call the Law Office of Laura L. Davenport today at 337-231-1397 or contact me online.

Family Law And Divorce
Child Custody
Father’s Rights

A Proactive Approach To Protect You And Your Family

When faced with a family law issue, the best approach is a proactive one. Whether you are dealing with divorce, spousal support issues or child custody disputes, you may be unaware of legal intricacies involved in each process. It is important to know the facts and options before you act. The Law Office of Laura L. Davenport can help you develop a strategy that takes both present and future needs into consideration.

Lafayette Fathers’ Rights Attorney

If you’re a father facing a divorce, your rights, your children’s rights and property are at risk. Family courts are often biased in favor of mothers, putting you at an unfair disadvantage. As an aggressive advocate for fathers’ rights, I can help ensure your custody and visitation rights are protected and child or spousal support payments are fair.

Could Mediation Provide An Answer?

Divorce does not have to be a battle. More people in Louisiana have been discovering that they can successfully reach agreements through mediation. As an attorney and mediator, I can help you through the mediation process. I also offer mediation services.

Don’t Wait To Protect Your Rights

The decisions you make during a family legal dispute have lasting personal and financial implications. I have the skills and knowledge to guide you through the best course of action for a variety of family law issues. To discuss your rights and options, call 337-231-1397 or fill out the online contact form.